Calculate and compare the hash code on your mobile phones, conveniently!
It supports MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, CRC32, and more in the future!
It is a material-design application, so it looks really nice!
And, you can just do it by selecting it in the share(or send) menu of file managers!
From 1.4 STABLE, developers are able to use HashChecker's API to compare files
To learn more:
Calcolare e confrontare il codice hash sul cellulare, comodamente!
Esso supporta MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, CRC32, e più in futuro!
Si tratta di un'applicazione materiale-design, in modo che sembra davvero bello!
E, si può solo farlo selezionando nella quota (o inviare) Menu di file manager!
Da 1.4 STABILE, gli sviluppatori sono in grado di utilizzare le API di HashChecker per confrontare i file
Per saperne di più:
Calculate and compare the hash code on your mobile phones, conveniently!
It supports MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, CRC32, and more in the future!
It is a material-design application, so it looks really nice!
And, you can just do it by selecting it in the share(or send) menu of file managers!
From 1.4 STABLE, developers are able to use HashChecker's API to compare files
To learn more: